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Petzl Rumba 8 mm クライミングハーフロープ
同じかそれ以下 ¥14,864.84 通常価格 ¥17,955.16 -17 % -17 %
Petzl Rumba 8mm is the new twin and half rope standard for technical rock and ice climbing.
The Duratec Dry treatment is in fact the latest in terms of treatments for the waterproofing of the rope and therefore makes it resistant to water, humidity and dust, as well as abrasion.
The EverFlex heat treatment of the strands stabilizes them with the result that the rope always remains flexible and manageable over time. The Middle Mark marks the middle of the string, which of course is very useful when maneuvering.
Instructions .
その他の情報 Brand Petzl Rope Type Half Rope, Twin Rope Diameter 8 mm Weight 44 g per meter Dynamic Elongation Half Rope 34% Static Elongation Half Rope with 55 kg 11% Impact Force Half Rope 5.9 kN Number of Falls Half Rope 7 Dynamic Elongation Twin Rope 34 % Static Elongation Twin Rope with 80 kg 6 % Impact Force Twin Rope 9.6 kN Number of Falls Twin Rope 22 Rope Sheath Percentage 41 % Mid-rope identification Middle Mark Treatment Duratec Dry, EverFlex Certification CE EN 892, UIAA
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