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Fixe Chispa 9.6 mm climbing rope
同じかそれ以下 ¥12,887.75 通常価格 ¥17,113.01 -25 % -25 %
Fixe Chispa 9.6 mm is a single climbing rope designed for those who seek top performance on the most challenging climbs. Perfect for tackling crag routes, this rope offers a balanced diameter that ensures lightness and ease of handling without compromising on durability and strength.
The Endurance construction uses high quality strands braided with 48 threads, favors sliding and extends the rope lifespan. Additionally, the Chispa Nature version is made with PFC-free materials, respecting the environment and reducing environmental impact.
Get ready to conquer new heights with a rope that combines high performance and sustainability!
その他の情報 Brand Fixe Rope Type Single Rope Diameter 9.6 mm Weight 60 g Dynamic Elongation Single Rope 36 % Static Elongation Single Rope with 80 kg 7 % Impact Force Single Rope 8.8 kN Number of Falls Single Rope 6 Rope Sheath Percentage 36 % Mid-rope identification Middle Mark Treatment Nature Certification CE EN 892, UIAA, CE0082
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